Camille Hope

About Camille

Camille Hope is a contemporary romance writer who loves reading and writing feel-good books with predictable storylines. Feeling like life can be too heavy at times, she writes low-stress stories with happily-ever-after endings and a dash of spice to keep them interesting. Pulling from past flight attendant experience, Camille writes fiction based on her time flying the friendly skies.

Growing up, Camille loved to read. In fifth grade, she picked up a copy of Oliver Twist, which was way over her reading level. But she read it anyway. Years later, her love of reading would pave the way to become a writer.

Camille became a flight attendant for a major airline in her early adulthood. She was based in cities sprinkled across the United States, and got to fly all over the world. She thinks often about this time in her life, because it was one of the best experiences she ever had. Like Emy, Camille was on reserve for most of her years with the airline. She worked many holidays and weekends without complaint, and got to travel to places she never would have otherwise. She met interesting and amazing people along the way, and she’s still good friends with some of the women from her flight attendant training class.

Two decades have passed since Camille has poured a passenger a drink, helped stow a carry-on bag, or worked a first-class cabin. But she’s been playing Emy and her friends’ stories in her head over and over. She pulls from this real-world experience as a flight attendant to write her current fiction series based on this time flying the friendly skies.

Recently, Camille found a paper she wrote for an English class, where the professor critiqued it as too predictable. She wishes she knew then what she knows now. That some of us seek predictability, and this is ok… even therapeutic. We want to know what’s going to happen next; we get plenty of suspense and anxiety from real life.

When she isn’t writing, Camille loves traveling, browsing bookstores, and enjoying a great glass of wine or a cup of coffee.

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