First Class Romance, by Camille Hope
Now available

First Class Romance

A chance encounter with a grumpy passenger changes course and ascends to new and unexpected romantic heights.

Camille Hope’s debut novel offers a behind-the-scenes view of the lifestyle and romance of a flight attendant named Emy, and the intriguing fate that greets her on a Christmas Eve flight from New York to Paris.

At 30,000 feet, where the world below shrinks into miniature cities and vast blue oceans, love is the furthest thing from the minds of Infinite Airlines crew members. Working a first-class cabin is a well-known, carefully choreographed routine for them. But for Emy Nichols, a seasoned flight attendant with a penchant for adventure, a life-changing journey encountering love in the clouds is about to take flight.

With friends finding matches all around her, Emy longs for a different kind of connection than those she regularly makes at airports around the world.

In the densely packed cabin of a transatlantic flight, a standoffish passenger seated in 1A has aroused Emy’s curiosity. But passengers have been strictly off-limits for Emy’s dating pool since a bad experience several years ago. Little does she know, she’s about to embark on a turbulent ride, bouncing through the highs and lows of unexpected love, laughter, and romance.

Content Warning First Class Romance contains adult content, including explicit descriptions of consensual foreplay and intercourse. Reader discretion advised.
  • Published August 6, 2024
  • Publisher Greater Ink
  • Language English
  • Cover Illustration Kate Hamernik
  • Library of Congress Control 2024941211
  • ISBN, paperback 979-8-9907066-0-6
  • ISBN, paperback 979-8-9907066-2-0
  • ISBN, ebook 979-8-9907066-1-3
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About Camille

Camille Hope is a contemporary romance writer who loves reading and writing feel-good books with predictable storylines. Feeling like life can be too heavy at times, she writes low-stress stories with happily-ever-after endings and a dash of spice to keep them interesting. Pulling from past flight attendant experience, Camille writes fiction based on her time flying the friendly skies. Read more…